Australorps Chickens

Australorps History
Australorps Behaviour
Australorps Varieties
Australorps Status
Australorps Pictures

Australorps For Sale
Latest Reviews For Australorps (5 of 20)
They are awesome and sometimes even listen to me! - Anna,
Lays really good eggs and goes broody once in a while. Has a very friendly manner and authority
There good for there eggs - Karina,
There not the most social but their eggs make up for it.
- Brandon,
Best layer and nice broiler breed
Australorps - Whitney,
I have two Australorps Marge and Martha. Marge has always since day one has layed large double yolk eggs, but the down fall is she is very very broody. So i just go her six chicks and she is a wonderful mother absolutely in her prime! Martha lays nice large eggs, she has NEVER been broody! they are very friendly and great to have around.
Australorp - Brandon,
I would recommend this breed because they lay over 300 eggs a year and they make good quality meat
Breeder Clubs for Australorps
Australorp Club of Great Britain
Telephone: 01636 814958