- Ancona
- Andalusian
- Appenzeller Spitzhauben
- Araucana
- Asil
- Australorps
- Barnevelder
- Booted Bantam
- Brahma
- Buttercup
- Campine
- Cochin
- Cream Legbar
- Croad Langshan
- Delaware
- Derbyshire Redcap
- Dominique
- Dorking
- Dutch Bantam
- Ex-Battery Hen
- Faverolle
- Fayoumi
- Friesian
- Frizzle
- Gingernut Ranger
- Gold Legbar
- Hamburgh (or Holland Fowl)
- Houdan
- Hybrid
- Indian Game
- Ixworth
- Japanese Bantam
- Jersey Giant
- La Fleche
- Lakenvelder
- Leghorn
- Lincolnshire Buff
- Malay
- Marans
- Marsh Daisy
- Minorca
- Miss Pepperpot
- Modern Game
- Naked Neck
- Nankin
- New Hampshire Red
- Norfolk Grey
- Old English Game
- Old English Pheasant Fowl
- Orpington
- Pekin Bantam
- Plymouth Rock
- Plymouth Rock Bantam
- Poland
- Rhode Island Red
- Rhodebar
- Rosecomb Bantam
- Scots Dumpy
- Scots Grey
- Sebright
- Serama
- Silkie
- Speckledy
- Sultan
- Sussex
- Sussex Bantam
- Vorwerk
- Welbar
- Welsummer
- Wyandotte
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