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Marans Chickens

Female Male

Marans History

The Marans was one of the last breeds to be introduced to the UK. It was developed in France in the town of Marans in the mid 1800s. It was developed for both its meat and eggs. The eggs started to be imported to the UK by a London wholesaler. The dark brown eggs soon caught on and became very popular which led to English farmers breeding the Marans.

Marans Behaviour

Marans can be lazy birds. They will get fat very easily if allowed to therefore it is best to keep them as free range as possible to prevent this. Marans are easy to look after and if given the space will be active. They are a disease resistant breed. Marans will produce deep brown eggs and are quite placid in nature.

Marans Varieties

The majority of the Marans we see today in the UK are cuckoo coloured, ranging from a very dark grey colour down to silver. They have bright orange eyes and white legs. Best of all they produce an almost chocolate brown egg and very succulent meat. They were popular as show birds in the 1940s where there were far more colours including a gold colour cuckoo.

Marans Status


Marans Pictures

Ready for the hens!
Just add chickens!
Cuckoo Maran Cockerel
Proud chicken mumma
Sharing a bath
The girls came visiting.
5 minutes peace didn’t last.
3 Marans
Maran Chicks with 1 Lavender Arucana
2 day old Maran Chick - Black Copper
Big bad Barry
Trio of Cuckoo Marrans
Chicken in garden
A group of chickens on a garden lawn
Chickens in run
cuckoo chick
Just look at those gorgeous feathered feet! Blue Copper Marans at 2.5 weeks.
Wheaten Marans pullet (I’m guessing) at 2.5 weeks.
So sweet! 2.5 weeks old. Wheaten Marans, cockerel by the look of the comb and black in the feathers (I’m guessing)
Chickens in garden
A chicken inside an Omlet fence
Chicken in garden
A black and white chicken roosting in a coop
A small fluffy black and yellow chick stood on a table
A black and brown chicken having a dust bath in the sun
English cuckoo

Marans For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For Marans (5 of 61)

3 Stars:


2 Stars:


1 Star:


Marans checked all my boxes about a decade ago... my small flock daughted - Diane,

loved my Marans and am starting over this spring

- Melissa,

Have had black ones before and loved them and want to get some more and chicken coop and run - James,

Marrans - Alys,

We've kept normal and minature marans and they all have very unique personalities. They are hilarious and can produce a lot of beautiful eggs every year. We have never had any trouble such as illnesses with them which is always a good sign that they are a hardy breed.

cool - Karen,

I'm glad I choose this docile breed , because its in the back garden and built up area of homes I needed a quiet bird , and I have at last found one , makes no noise very shy . double yolks for now because its just started laying , my eggs are mahogany glossy egg , first started laying small long shape egg , so found two in there , beautiful shell , silk . just so perfectly quiet , my warrens are very vocal . when they want my attention they let me know , all's want treating these do,(warrens)the young maran cuckoo is skittish , when grandkids go near them they are very flappy , crazy if u like , but hopefully as they age they will calm down,bye

Breeder Clubs for Marans

Marans Club


Telephone: 01827 872274