Self Guinea Pigs

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Latest Reviews For Self (4 of 4)
Best breed - Larry,
These truly are the best breed ever
Cream self - Mummytink,
Having kept piggies for more than 10 years now, I have found that my pedigree girls tend to be the healthiest. Previously had 3 boars, all lived together very well, little to no scrapping! Had a few ailments which I treated holistically, don't like POM's unless absolutely necessary. All my piggies are house piggies, Cream selfs are beautiful to look at, Cooks (Cookie) is now well over 5 years old and her fur is still full and soft. She grunts, squeaks, jumps for joy still abundent. If anyone wants to breed , be warned do this almost as soon as you bring them home, they have one of the longest gestation periods (70 days in some cases) for a small critter and the sow pelvis fuses at approx 12 months making birth impossible. Handle them well daily and they wont be too shy after all these are prey animals. I love watching them walk around almost tutting to themselves ( 'but, but but' I think). And when the food cupboard door opens - it's a full on 'Squeak'! Whilst guarding the food bowl!
lushus - An Omleteer,
I got a little chocolate brown one now and its only a week old and as soon as i brought it home it lan onto my hand and fell asleep it wass soo sweet and now im getting another one to keep it company im going to get a male soo my male and female will have babies because their soo sweet i could have all the guinea pigs in the world i just cant take my eyes of them plus its been accepted to be in a compitition like shez gonna win first place deffinetly.
Child friendly - An Omleteer,
When i was eight i kept two of these as house guineapigs, allowing them time to explore my living room daily. I found that having two girls enabled them to get along easier. They were happy to roam in my dolls house and run behind the sofa having a play. They were very affectionate and would happily sit in your lap for a stroke. However my next two of the same breed were two boys, and all they did was bite, squabble and scratch. They were not friendly at all and when left to roam around would not interact with humans and if did bite and hold on. I thoroughly recommend this breed for all types from babies to OAP's as long as they are TWO GIRLS! Very affectionate little beings! Alike my two pet rats now, they happily retreat back to their hutch after a play! Like my rat his cage! Thankyou :)