- Make sure that the dropping tray does not overfill. The droppings can be put straight onto vegetables growing in the garden, but flowers will find it too strong. Add the droppings to your compost bin and it will speed up the process and produce an excellent compost.
- Move the house to a new area of grass. This will prevent one area of your lawn being over-used and any disease from building up in the area.
- Try to check that your birds are well every week or so by picking them up and checking for all the signs of a healthy chicken as outlined in the Chicken Health section.
- Make sure that the straw, hay or shavings in the nesting box are clean and fresh.

Anne-Marie Perron can move their Eglu Go Up around the garden using the attached wheels

Judy, 3 March 2019
Our chicken Onyx who is not walking was just laying under the coop last evening when my husband went to make sure the chickens were in their coop and has been slightly lethargic for the last couple of days and not perching at nighttime. We read on the internet that it could be from extremes in temperature and there has been that in Campbell River, BC last week for a couple of days; so took her into our house last night. She did seem to be breathing faster than usual and her legs were too warm but recovered over night but is still not walking but drinking OK. i read that she could be egg bound. These chickens are my granddaughters and we now have them. My granddaughter thinks that the place where her eggs come from in the chicken's body may have something wrong with it as the eggs she lays are rather too oblong. In this case would she be more likely to be egg bound and would this affect her walking. Do some chickens come from warmer climates; this chicken is an Americauna (a beautiful black with a beard) but would she be more likely to suffer from extremes in temperature. We wish we knew what to do or to help the situation. Do you have any suggestions? We have just had the chickens for about a month. My husband got a different food to what they were used to; he got Highliner food and chicken scratch, egg shells and potato and carrot peals and iceberg lettuce and they were fed Lay pellets and scratch before.
Jennifer, 25 August 2012
The easiest way to keep your chicken dropping tray clean, is to line it with newspaper, remove each day and wipe dropping tray with appropriate wipe. Droppings can be put in compost bin, heap or other form of container.Having 2 sets of rooster bars also helps. Great method when whether is wild and wet and helps keep eglu smelling fresh when we do have some hot weather!
Hamza, 20 June 2011
Your page is exellent.But i think you should also tart a Q&A zone and also a page on chick care e.t.c. Really love this website.thanks