Comments for Finch and Canary Diseases
Showing comments 1 to 10 of 36
Ken, 3 November 2021
my canary ,looking real sick one eye has yellow lump just below its eye ,its eye is closed .tried eye drops .no better .what treatment do i need for it , or do i eliminate its not somethink i wish to do any help would be apricated
Mark, 23 June 2021
My canary has a sore on top of his beck
Rowena, 28 April 2021
My bird has both nostrils inflamed and on ear. Plus he has lost his feather around His eyes and now going on his head. Please help, I feel so bad for him. What anticodon I use? How much? Plus for how long. Please an S thank you.
Raymond, 23 March 2021
Hi. I had a Bullfinch cock that was opening and closing it Beak but only when it was sitting on the perch, I treated it with Moxidectin for 24 hour. But Was Dead 3 days later.......but when I opened its Beak I found very white small Balls of the problem, one of the things I took out was half curled up. The size of this was about the size of Blue maw ......can anyone tell me what I can treat please
Raymond, 23 March 2021
Hi. I had a Bullfinch cock that was opening and closing it Beak but only when it was sitting on the perch, I treated it with Moxidectin for 24 hour. But Was Dead 3 days later.......but when I opened its Beak I found very white small Balls of the problem, one of the things I took out was half curled up. The size of this was about the size of Blue maw ......can anyone tell me what I can treat please
Tanja, 9 March 2021
my finches have lack of energy and seem to battle to fly they look quiet sick but no sign on the outside of the birds and they will sit at the bottom of the cage and hop around but they do not have a problem with there limbs and they are zebra finches please email the problem thank you.
Lubna, 25 May 2020
Hi there my zabra finch is ill problem disease and puffing one week ago this problem place can your halp me I need medicine
Becky, 23 May 2020
I have a Java finch who has been sleeping more than usual the last two days. Now he looks weak and unsteady. His beak looks more purple than red today. What's wrong with him? And what can I do for him? No other symptoms at all. Just lethargy.
Joel, 15 May 2020
my finches have lack of energy and seem to battle to fly they look quiet sick but no sign on the outside of the birds and they will sit at the bottom of the cage and hop around but they do not have a problem with there limbs and they are zebra finches please email the problem thank you.
Penny, 28 December 2021
One finch is bald on top of his head with a round dent. Another bird has feathers missing around his eye and the area looks a little swollen. A couple look like they are molting around there head. I just got these finches from a lady and I am doing my best. Thank you