A sick parrot should always be taken to a vet. Separate him from your other parrots to avoid the disease spreading, and clean out the main cage, using a pet-safe disinfectant, or a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts water.

Ring-Necked Parakeet in the prime of health
There are some other things you can do to make him comfortable before his appointment at the vet’s:
- Set up the solitary confinement ‘recovery cage’ in a familiar environment to minimise acclimatisation stress.
- Make sure the cage is warm – most diseases cause a parrot’s temperature to drop, and a sudden chill can finish him off. You can buy infra-red lamps to provide quick, safe heat; but these should only be used if you have already taken expert advice on where to position them and how to employ them safely and effectively.
- Provide plenty of water, and offer the parrot’s favourite food.
- Don’t let children and pets fuss around him, and keep him in his cage, to minimise added stress.
Pass, 19 April 2020
Inquiring Blue front Amazon 30 year old Secondary feathers on one side Issue Miscoloured in some cases Also - misdirected - not hugging body, rather projecting out somewhat Please advise Thank you kindly Be well For Wazo