We’ve categorised the birds in four groups based on size. This is useful when talking in terms of space requirements.

Rainbow Lorikeets
Although long, the following lists (covering small, medium-sized, large and extra large parrots) are far from exhaustive. All the birds mentioned here are popular as pets in Europe, North America, Australia and elsewhere, and all are readily available to would-be owners.
Note, however, that species such as the African Grey, in spite of thriving populations in zoos and aviaries around the world, are endangered in the wild, and you will need a license to keep them. (See Parrots on the CITES List, in the Choosing a Parrot section of this guide).
Kathie, 2 December 2023
I'm hoping that down the road your engineers and Developers will take the balcony catio and make it into a macaw aviary. They are in so much demand. I used to have Rising Moon aviaries and I had over 60 parrots. But I gave it up years ago because people don't have the patience to keep parrots and they are expensive. So now people are rescuing and we need places to put them. At one time I had 15 rescues I was able to find homes for most of them. But if you could develop a well-made outdoor aviary with good coverage and making the chicken Eglu into a multi-sized roosting box with some kind of heat for parrots, you'd make a million more. I hope you consider it. Thank you for what you do with all the animals Kathie
Zain, 7 May 2020
That is what we called, beauty Info Parrots
Davina, 30 July 2018
Thanks for sharing! I was thinking about it pretty recently.